For every shoe, leads a different life....

For every shoe, leads a different life....

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I'm Sorry I'm a Flake...

Hi, my name is Hannah! I'm a flake! I break commitments. I forget to respond to messages/texts. I can't STAND phone calls! Seriously, like.....who can even HEAR on those dang things? I'm wishy washy about park play dates. Basically, if I met me, I'd steer clear! I mean, do I even want friends? Who knows! How did this happen? Who even am I?

I have never been the type of person to be forgetful. Maybe forgetful of past events. I mean, to be honest I can't remember most of my childhood. I have always been good time Sally! Down for fun! Living in the moment! Who cares about consequences? My friends are my life! That was me! I've always made friends easily! I never even had to try! It's just who I am! My friends wanted me some where, I was there! My friends needed their spirits lifted, I'm the gal! It's so deeply ingrained in me that to be honest, I hadn't realized how much a part of me it was. What happened? Children! Children happened to me! Along with my charismatic, good time me....I've always wanted to be a mother. So I was thrilled when it happened! I just had no idea the impact having children would have on my entire life! Naive, yes! Absolutely. haha! I just never thought my priorities would change this much!

I'm recently the mother of 4 children. 9 years, almost 8 years, 3 years and 9 months! Three boys and a girl. I also am a military spouse! In addition to that (go ahead, call me crazy...I am!) I homeschool! Currently 3 of the 4! Those are the statistics on me. They are also everything that consumes my life. There is so very much I want to do with my life! Seriously! So many things! I mean for example, I'd love to blog more. I'm surprised I have the chance in this very moment. Actually I'm neglecting my 9mo who is currently babbling and talking in her crib. My 3yo is currently yelling no and arguing with my 9yo. It's chaos at all times around here! The past 3 years my husband spent most of his time deployed with little to no communication. I was in survival mode. Truth be told, I HAD to have friends because I literally couldn't survive by myself. But things got even worse. Not because of friends, but because my children grew, their needs changed, some things fell to the wayside. (Let's be real, my body being number one on the wayside list!) We recently moved to a new home/duty station and I'm trying to tackle this new life head on. I'm making schedules for our family, keeping up with chores, dealing with appointments, learning disabilities, discipline....basically EVERYTHING. It's made me prioritize more. Meaning my priority is now my children. I mean, come on guys! It's four against one! Those aren't great odds! Lemme tell you, if you don't believe me, I will GLADLY invite you to spend a few days with me! haha! You'll see! Anyways, I digress. I've realized how much of a bad friend this makes me now. I don't answer your texts because I'm in the middle of schooling. By the time I'm done schooling I forget there were any texts to begin with! I HATE phone calls! Why? Because I can NEVER hear!!!! Dude! I get it! Sometime phone calls have to be made! But come ONNNNN!!!!! With 4 tiny humans in the background making noise, I don't hear a good 60% of what's on the other end. It's nothing personal, I literally just can't hear you! When I get long messages on Facebook...Oh goodness. I basically don't read it all! I'm sorry! It's not that I don't want to know! Totally do! But I don't have the time to read that long of a message! Have you heard of Marco Polo? Well, let me tell you! If you are a busy Mom, Marco Polo is for you! You can record long video messages (no time limit and you don't have to hold a button) of you saying whatever the heck you need to say...or crying! And the other person can watch it at their leisure! It's FANTASTIC. These days that's how I get my friend time in! How sad is that? A delayed video message, in which I will be doing dishes, laundry, yelling at children, crying...whatever...that is the best tool in which for me to get social time. Guys, I'm not a flake because I hate you! I'm a flake because currently God has called me to raise these 4 beautiful children. I'm a flake because they are more demanding than you! If you start peeing your pants, begging me for a snack and falling out on the floor crying, chances are I'll give you more attention, because clearly you need it! So, friends, all of this to say....I love you! I love that you understand me. I love that you don't judge me. Please keep doing it! I will eventually not be flakey! I will eventually not seem such a hot mess. Okay! You got me, that's a lie! I'll always be a hot mess! But I won't always be a hot mess with 4 little children in tow! I'll take you out for coffee in about 16 years and treat ya to dinner! I mean, if you can hang with me through all this chaos, you deserve coffee and dinner on me!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Our New Life....

So, again, it's been forever since I've blogged. It's not that I don't want to, in fact I blog all the time inside my head. But I never have time to actually sit down and do it. Okay! Fine! You caught me! I might have the time (since I've binged 3 seasons of Mindy Project in less than a's fine!) but I most days do not have the energy! But since I've been up since 3:30a.m today, I figured I might as well give it a go! So, here we go....

Since I last blogged we have accomplished yet another PCS (Permanent Change of Station). We are now living in the touristy town of Cape May, New Jersey! It's actually quite beautiful! Though currently very touristy. It's a small town but I kinda like it! I will love it even more when all the tourists go away for the season. Oh sure, technically I'm a tourist right now. I just moved here, I'm sight seeing, new to all the sites, trying out restaurants....etc. But I will be here for the next 4 years consistently, so move over tourists, you're in my way!

I've been getting a ton of questions about how we are adjusting. How is life in the new house? How do you like it? How are the kids adjusting? So I figured I'd blog about it and answer some questions! Sorta like an FAQ!

Question: How do you like Cape May?
Answer: I love it! I kinda already explained above but basically it's a small town. Coming from the Hampton Roads, VA area, it feels even smaller. We have 1 WalMart (that just got grocery pick up) and we've come to realize this WalMart never has ANYTHING. Literally they told me they were completely out of whole chickens.....Uhmmm...okay? Not sure how you could be completely out of meat...but...okay! There is a McDonald's, Taco Bell, Starbucks (with drive thru) and Walgreens. I will survive. However, this is NOT a Target, Trader Joes, Lidl, Chick-Fil-A or really anything else I've been spoiled to have 5 minutes from my home in the past 3 years. Yes, I understand, first world problems. But, I've been spoiled. I miss these convenient amenities at my finger tips! Other than that, it's not as humid and disgusting as Virginia. The ocean air also does not stink like Virginia Beach. (for the record, I couldn't stand VA Beach!) The water is a whole lot more clear and beautiful! The little town of Cape May is adorable! We haven't had the full chance to explore much yet, but we honestly love it so far!

Question: How do you like your new house?
Answer: It works! We are on a 3/4 acre lot with a ton of it fenced in. I absolutely am loving the fact that I can send my children into the back yard and not worry about them. We are surrounded by mostly woods too, so we are able to be in our backyard in our underwear and that's my favorite part. Haha (If you know me, you know I hate clothes) We went from a 2,000sqf house down to a 1,600(ish)sqf home. So it's been a bit of a challenge to fit 6 people into a bit of a smaller house but we're totally making it work! My favorite part is that we are now living on one level. I'm determined to settle into a one level forever home! It's so much more economic. It's easier to regulate temperature, cleaning, misbehaved just all around works better. hahaha We have no need for baby gates!

Question: How are you settling in?
Answer: ALL BOXES ARE UNPACKED!!!!!!! Which to be honest, in less than 3 weeks with 4 children, I think it's quite an amazing accomplishment! I will have to give my husband most of this credit though! He has put in some hardcore overtime unpacking and "setting up". To be honest I didn't realize I had a tiny bit of PTSD from our last PCS (To VA from MI: 1mo postpartum from my 3rd c-section, then he deployed in a couple weeks of arrival....I was left solo, rarely any was a mess). Every time my husband has asked me to do something I've basically shut down. It doesn't help that the baby has been waking up so much and I'm crazy exhausted. But! I just haven't been able to seem to get a grip. So he's taken the reigns and unpacked most everything. I set up 2 of the 3 bedrooms. I've been able to come behind him and organize things. For example he will unpack all pantry items, then I come behind him and actually organize it and put items where they need to go. So don't get me wrong, not like I haven't done anything, but he has done most of it. We have a ways to go. But we've come a long way in less than 3 weeks.

Question: How is his work at the new unit?
Answer: amazing! For reference, his last unit was a boat and their schedule was crazy stupid. Basically it was about 3 months gone, 2 months home. But when home he would have 24hr duty, crazy work hours and basically the whole 3 years we were stationed there I lived it solo parenting. We hardly ever had family time. Now? He's home ALL THE TIME. Yesterday he didn't get home til 5pm and I was like "WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?" haha Normally he gets up with the kids, makes them breakfast, bikes to work and is home by 2/3pm (that's with a 45min bike commute). The only downside to his schedule is that it's unpredictable. Basically we can't plan anything long term. For example this past week they got told they had to do a boarding on Sunday. They were told on like Wednesday or Thursday. Okay, no biggie. Then come Thursday night he gets told it's moved to Saturday. In the end either way it's not a big deal. He was gone a couple of hours on Saturday evening and home for dinner. It wasn't a huge deal. But! Had we of planned a family day out and bought tickets to things, we would've been screwed. So we'll be living a lot more by the seat of our pants, but we will be together more as a family. And that I can handle. I also will add that my husband is now the boss man and doesn't hate his job, so that's a noticeable and welcome change!

Question: Have you made any friends?
Answer: Honestly the move was enough exhaustion for me. Friendships and getting out as NOT been my priority. We were very active and social in Virginia. Since we received orders to Cape May God has put one word on my heart, rest. Rest. Family. Refocus. Refuel. All words I continually feel pulled to. Which, is kinda funny considering I'm a very social person and I make friends very easily. So, I've made some connections, yes. But friendship is just not my priority right now. I would easily say our family was broken and a mess upon arrival to Cape May. Since then I've been able to put more focus on just us and I can see the difference. I'm sure I will make many good friends here, but it's just not a priority for me.

Question: How are the kids adjusting?
Answer: Our children are resilient. This is not their first move. Okay, it is for number 4 and the first one number 3 will remember. But! They are adjusting quite well. They love our new backyard. And they are definitely up for new adventures discovering our new area.  Plus they are LOVING having Daddy around more. Plus to be honest, with Mommy having more ability to focus on them (Less outside responsibilities pulling at me), their adjustment is coming along pretty well. Everyone's sleep is a bit off, but that's partially due to new room adjustments. Scheuby 3 was in his own room and is now moved into the room with Scheuby 1 and 2. Scheuby 4 is a greedy little milk feeding baby who can't stop won't stop. So, there's that. haha!

Question: Have you all found a church?
Answer: We don't know that we've found a home church yet, but we finally ventured to try one this past Sunday and it went decently. I'm struggling emotionally with it because I had such an amazing wonderful church in Virginia and I'm just not quite ready to give my heart to another church. hahaha Sounds stupid, but hey! It'll happen, we'll get there! But we are trying!

Question: Eaten any good food?
Answer: Well, we tried some Chinese that was absolutely disgusting. DISGUSTING. So we won't be going back to that place. We have tried a few several Italian spots but honestly none we've fallen in love with. We have places on our list to try, just haven't done it yet. Also, I have no enlisted some help on this matter and I have list of places that are better known for its yumminess, instead of us just taking a shot in the dark! haha

Question: Are visitors welcome?
Answer: Absolutely! One hitch? You probably have to arrange to stay elsewhere. If you plan to come visit soon, we just aren't settled enough for company. We do have a full size guest mattress, but it is currently without a box spring or frame. So it's flat on the floor. Not preferred. In addition our play room in the future will be able to house an air mattress, pallets on the floor however currently....we are not set up and clear enough for that! So! If you wanna visit there are so many options. If you're one person we can probably house you. If you are a family we can more than likely get you MWR lodging (even if you're not military) on base. It's a 2 bedroom condo basically! (full kitchen, playground out back) It's awesome! And 7 miles from our house! Not very expensive either! We also have SO many camp grounds in the area. 3 that are right down the street from us. From what I can tell they have tent sites and cabins you can rent. Plus, being a beach town, there are SO many bed and breakfast places. I would however, wait til closer to September. Prices go down and the town empties. But! If you wanna come see the hustle and bustle, come on up! We have very little on our social calendar.

I think that's it! Quite a bit to read, but these are the frequent questions I've been asked! I'm hoping with less social things pulling me out and about, I may be able to find more time to blog! We shall see! :)