For every shoe, leads a different life....

For every shoe, leads a different life....

Saturday, August 1, 2015


So recently my life has become even more chaotic and busy than I could've predicted. Starting to work at the YMCA as been amazing but hasn't been without its challenges. At one point last week, as I was in the middle of packing and preparing for the next days chaos, I suddenly had a flash  of a train heading full speed straight at me. It honestly made me completely stop and tears welled in my eyes. I realized that I was completely exhausted. Maybe not so much physically but definitely mentally and emotionally. I had recently gone through several different training courses that the Y wanted me to do. I hadn't been in a learning environment for quite some time. And even though the classes were classified as "easy" and more informative, they definitely still took a toll on me. Because unlike being in school in my younger years, I now had more responsibility. Husband. Kids. House. Chores. Coordinating schedules has honestly been one of the most strenuous tasks. Since most times its just me, I am the sole one responsible for coordinating when "Daddy will be home." and when "Daddy NEEDS to be home", my work schedule, the boys class schedules then sprinkle in doctors appointments, dentist trips, and anything fun, well....let's just say my blog is titled correctly. Tangled Scheustrings is right. And guess who's job it is to untangled all those? Yup! You got it! At first it was nothing. I've always done it. But now adding in my work schedule has just about sent me over edge. Of course the boys are doing more and more and that doesn't exactly free up any time. It's is life. And there will always be adjustments. At the moment I saw a train heading straight for me I really did feel like a deer in headlights. Frozen. I could feel the tears coming but I swallowed hard and continued what I was doing. Why? Because, when a train is going full speed a head it has two options, obliterate everything in it's path or come to a screeching halt that that will more than likely cause some kinda damage. Either damage to the train itself, the track, or even the passengers/cargo ON the train. I thought to myself "Okay, this is it. This is a character moment. A developmental change in my maturity and growth."  What are my options? Do come to a screeching halt? Which would probably involve me falling to the ground sobbing, the kids not getting dinner, things not being prepared for the next day, no chores being done and honestly....nothing productive being done at all. OR! Do I keep chugging along? All of a sudden a mantra of "Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo" started playing in my head. I know. You're probably reading this thinking "Okay, she might need some actual psychological help." It's crazy! I get it. But, it got me through. I kept going. Literally baby steps. Hand over hand. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo Pack my lunch. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo. Start preparing the kids dinner. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo call the kids to eat. "I'm tired. I don't wanna eat myself. In fact I didn't even think of what to eat for I sit down or make myself something to eat?" In the back of my voice I hear my husband saying "YOU HAVE TO EAT!!!!!! It's what fuels you!!!! You've gotta stop not eating. It's not productive and your body won't like you for it." Ugh. "Okay....Okay" I say to myself. Tears start welling up again. Thinking of him makes me miss him more. He's not home. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo. Again, I hear him saying "I'm so happy that I never have to worry about you at work. When I think about you I can just think about missing you. You hold down the fort and it makes me so proud." Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo Boys interrupt my thoughts. I can hear the rough housing going on and the crying as the result. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo. More and more I can feel myself going into auto pilot. Hand over hand. Foot step after foot step. Later that night I literally fall into bed. Wouldn't you think I'd be so sleepy my eyes would shut and I'd drift off to sleep? You mother's know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I fall into bed and BING! Eyes wide open! Mind on over drive. Ha! Sleep! That ain't happenin any time soon! Who was I kidding? Again, I see the train. I say I silent prayer. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo I turn on the tv in hopes that it might shut my brain off. Within 2 minutes I'm back up cleaning off my dresser. It's been needing to be done. Plus when husband comes home, I want him to be able to lay/relax and bed and not stare at a piled up mess of mostly my clothes. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo.............


  1. Wow Hannah, you are amazing. I enjoyed reading this post so very much. You for sure inspire me to keep chugging along every second, of every day. <3 BTW, I love reading your blogs, although I don't always have a minute to comment, I do read them. ;)

  2. Proud of you for taking on the YMCA gig! Good for you. Keep chugging. :)
