So today the husband and I had a unique experience today! For about 2 months now I've had plans to attend a used baby stuff sale! I asked my man to take the day off (since he was going to be gone all day) so that he could help me carry anything big and in general, assist me, because I'm 8.5mo pregnant now. Plus we needed bigger things like a crib, swing etc. There was no way I was going to be able to do that myself! He willingly took the day off! At this point, I was completely ready to collect stuff for Baby number 3's arrival. I got a list in hand, dropped the older boys off at the sitters, and pulled plenty of cash out. Things have been pretty rough around here lately. We found out that we'll have to move earlier than expected and also his assignment was a surprise. It's been a lot to handle. A lot of negatives and stress. Plus add in the fact that I'm towards the end of my pregnancy, my hormones have gotten the best of me many times. There's just been lots more crying (I'm NOT a crier typically) and general upset in our house lately. We have a lot to accomplish and not a lot of time to do it. All of this is to say, it's been rough around here. Not very many pleasant times. So I think we were finally ready for some sunshine and time to check quite a few things off our list. We dropped the boys off at the sitters and headed to the sale! We were pretty chatty in the car. Going over the "Must Haves" list and game plan of who would do what and go where. When we got there a line was already forming out the door. So we decided to get in line. The sun was shining, we'd had some coffee to fuel the bodies for the upcoming work! We were just standing there, chatting about any and everything. To be honest, I don't really remember what. I just remember chatting. After about 20 minutes, the lady in front of us turns around and says "Are you guys really good friends? Cause you sound like REALLY good friends!" I was completely stunned and taken back! For a second I considered if she was making fun of us or something. She was not. It was a 100% genuine compliment. We started chuckling and I responded that we're married. She said that she didn't wanna assume, but it just really sounded like we were good friends. We thanked her and I told her that we're going on 7 years of marriage so I took it as a serious awesome compliment. That is BY far the best compliment I've ever received about our marriage. In the beginning of our marriage and short courtship, I never really thought of him as my best friend. I had two very best girl friends. I just couldn't imagine anyone taking their place. Plus, I mean, they're girls. They get me. There was NO doubt that I loved my man and I wanted to spend my life with him. I just had no idea that such a friendship could and would grow. I used to hate the cards and wedding vows that said "I'm marrying my best friend." It just didn't make sense to me. In my eyes, I'd had such a phenomenal experience with my best girl friends that it almost seemed cruel to say that this "new guy" was now my best friend. Over the years life has definitely had it's challenges. We've been through so much. Not even marital challenges. Just life. There's a movie that hubby and I like to watch. Couples Retreat with Vince Vaughn. In the movie Vince Vaughn and his wife are the couple that really get along. But when they're sitting with a therapist he asks them why their marriage works. Their response was "Well, we make it through life together." It's a comedy so there's quite a bit of humor in the therapists response. But it always reminds me of my marriage. We never fight. Even if we disagree, we really sit down and work through it. Sure, we get fed up with each other. Sure, sometimes I really don't like him. Sometimes he really doesn't like me. But we've never had any serious issues, maritally. We both have the same Christian views and opinions which really helps too! Over the past few years (especially after I had cancer) I started viewing life differently. I was learning more and more. I learned to appreciate my man. He'd stood by my side through cancer without waiver. More and more he'd become my emotional support. A lot of the people I expected to be there for my emotional needs, just weren't. He was there long after the cancer was in remission. He say my day to day struggles. My fight. I appreciated that more than words can describe. During my lowest roughest point in life, there was ONE person who continually saw my fight and continued supporting me to do so. And that was my husband. More and more, a deeper love and friendship developed. About a year ago, I found myself thinking "He really is my best friend." When I'm sick, he's who I want. When I'm not happy, he's who I want to make me happy. When I have exciting news, I wanna call him and tell him right away! Not that I hadn't been that way somewhat, before. But it was just a whole new level. So to be completely involved in my life talking and chatting with him, and have a complete stranger notice the friendship and connection, it really touched my heart. As the day as passed, I just keep thinking back to it. By far the best compliment anyone has ever said to us! So I thought I would blog this moment to remember. And share with you all! I love marriage! I love our Christ centered marriage. I love that life hasn't been easy. I love that I've changed my views on friendship and marriage and what it could be. I'm glad that God knows better than me and blessed me with such a blessing as the man I married.
For you single friends of mine. Hang on! Don't settle because you're lonely. Because I PROMISE you! This is so worth the wait. Because even when you think you know what you're getting, you so don't! So hang on friends! :-)
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