For every shoe, leads a different life....
Thursday, January 25, 2018
A Great Day....
So last week was rough for me. In all senses of the word. Physically, emotionally, spiritually in all ways, it was just bad. It just seemed as though God was pushing me past my limits. Of course, HE wasn't! HE knows me better than I know myself. I continued to cry my heart out to HIM during my struggles! As faithful as HE always is, HE taught me new things and helped me realize more ways I can change! (Spoiler Alert: I'm not perfect! ;-) ) Monday when I woke up, I was so determined to make this week better. Earlier in the week God was like "Nope! YOU can do nothing without ME!" I heard HIM. So I prayed. I asked him what HIS will was for my week. Of course he can't send me a list of to-do's or anything, but I knew he'd direct my paths if I stayed faithful to my responsibilities HE's given me. So I did. I trucked away at mini mundane tasks and He kept guiding me to play catch up. Fast forward to Wednesday night, my body felt run down and just exhausted. Not surprising given the past weeks turmoil. I thought to myself "Well, you're still behind, you better spend all day Thursday catching up." What I didn't realize was that I also had to play catch forward. haha My siblings were coming to town and I had to do the chores I would normally do then, earlier. I woke up at 6a.m. My first thought (Praise be to God!) was "Let's start this day off! Prayer, devotion more prayer!" So I did! I ended up falling back asleep for a little bit. But when I rewoke I felt energized and ready for the day. Friends, I encourage you so much to start your days with God. It just sets the best tone for the rest of the day! Anyways, from the moment my feet hit the ground I worked. Up, down, inside, outside, I mean I did it all. I got the kids up and dressed for the day. Got laundry started for the day (In my house we do laundry all on one day!), fed the kids breakfast and just kept moving from there. I made a to-do list for the day of all things I didn't do last week, some things i didn't do this week and other things that have just been sitting there waiting for me to take care of them! I did things like cleaning fans, changing all bed sheets, cleaning off my nightstand, hanging a picture that had fallen off, taking apart and putting away the baby swing that has just been taking up room waiting for me to put it away. I mean, the list goes on! Friends, I kid you not when I say I didn't eat, I just kept moving NON STOP! From 7am-8pm. I only sat one time and it was no longer than 30minutes. (Not including the time I sat to write hand written notes that have been needing to be done) I just worked. Of course I had my kids help me. The older two would take turns watching the baby while I worked and worked. As I was working I thought about how far God's brought me. In the past I never cleaned my house, I never even changed sheets. Sounds gross...but totally was bad at that. And now God's given me more children, a bigger house and schooling to do. I find myself with less time than I normally have. I see how much time I thought I didn't have back when I only had one child. I see how bored I was! I see how much I needed to turn to Jesus more! Friends, you cannot talk to God enough. It's not possible. Throughout my working, I thought about how much joy it would bring my husband to come home after a rough week at work and not worry about doing any chores or worry about a lack of clean house. I knew he'd immediately feel at peace! I knew my children were learning good traits like working hard, organizing etc. I was doing back breaking work and still praising God and so happy to teach that to my children. Today was a GREAT day! Today I accomplished all that and more on my to-do list. So much so, that it feels like magic that I got it all done. But it wasn't magic! I tell you, God is powerful! He knew I needed energy and motivation. HE sent it directly to me! He allowed me to get this house under control and do extra. HE knew I need to feel successful as well! And here we are, just under midnight and I'm just now settling into bed for sleep! I even managed to squeeze in a blog post, a little potty training, a facetime with a best friend and a facetime with grandparents celebrating potty training! If you've had a bad day, week month, heck! Even a year! Don't worry my friend! God is so much more powerful than your own agenda! I promise you! Start your days off asking God what HIS plan is for you for the day! You won't regret it, I promise! :)
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