If you are a stay at home mom, chances are you love Target. Honestly, if you're a living breathing human being, you probably love Target. I truly can't fathom in my mind any more, what life was like before Target. What did I do with my life? Even when Target's first started coming around, I was far too young and unappreciative of it's glory! It took me spending so many lonely days doing nothing but changing diapers, cleaning bottles, finding binky's and potty training, to truly understand why Target is so amazing. Oh sure, Target is pretentious. You can call it that! I don't mind, because it's true! Target is slightly more expensive than say, WalMart. But yet, I don't care. I go to Target knowing full well that I'm going to buy something I don't need. But I simply don't care. At this point, I'm convinced that Target pumps a chemical or something in the air. Every single time I've gone in Target (even when it's crowded!!!!) there's an automatic calm that washes over me! I'm personally not one for crowds. I get such high anxiety even thinking about crowds. But it doesn't matter what condition Target is in, I'm calm. It's a miracle! I mean, to be honest, why WOULDN'T I shop there?? Okay okay! So they can be over priced and they make me calm. Is that a reason to shop there? No, my friends, there's more. Almost every Target as Starbucks! STARBUCKS! Come on, people! What could be better than shopping in a clean store, with cute products that are slightly overpriced? Overpriced, delicious, usually festive (Christmas time drinks, new year drinks, valentine's day drinks etc) coffee, of course! I mean, come on! I'm doing nothing but winning here. So okay, you're still not convinced? Okay! So there's over priced items, calmness, coffee...what more? Oh! I'm so very glad, dear Reader, that you asked! There's actually "Bargain" Section! Everyone is under $5!!!!! And seriously, guys, that section is hands down my favorite. You can basically get any gift for anyone in that section! They usually have a section or two dedicated to the upcoming holiday! But they have so many neat knick-knacks and odds and ends. But that are so much cuter and better quality than say, the Dollar Store! Okay, so maybe that's not your thing? Never fear, with the smooth riding carts Target generously provide us (seriously, have you ever found a dinky Target grocery cart?), you can cruise around the entire store on their nice shiny, clean floors and shop through Clothes, baby section, electronics, toys, household products, grocery, really anything your soul desires, I can assure you that Target has the answer! Even when I'm dragging all three of my hooligan children, Target is still the answer!!!! January 1st, I decided to take a sabbatical from social media. I deleted the apps off my phone and I won't get on them until February 1st. With the encouragement of a dear friend, I decided it was high time I did so! Today is day 3 and it feels amazing! Which brings me to the point of this post. Once I cleansed myself of social media, I felt the strong desire for a long stroll with Starbucks at Target with a friend. So I asked my friend if she would like to go on a Target date. Her response? "Absolutely!" (That my readers, is why we're friends!) We arrived at Target bright and early and as soon as we got into the store out off the cold, I felt my soul relax. We took our time, chatted and about halfway through our shopping, found out we were expecting a snow storm. It's okay folks, don't panic! Target is the answer! We continued our shopping adding in anything we might need for a snow storm! (Told ya, Target is the answer!) The coffee, the strolling, the conversation, my soul. It just felt complete! It also helped that for the first time in YEARS, I wore jeans! And cute boots! Yes, I dressed up for my date at Target! I feel like this was exactly what my soul was needing. And not having social media interfering also helped! In the past I would've been taking pictures and posting them to Instagram and Facebook. But I could truly live in the moment and just exist without pressure to post about it. It was absolutely incredible. So, my dear Readers. I encourage you to take some time away from your phone. Grab a friend that encourages you, believes in you and despite troubles of the world, still is positive, grab a coffee and head to Target! I promise you that you will not regret it! You will feel so much better! Also, I highly recommend doing something for yourself that you haven't done in awhile. Like wearing a pair of jeans! Folks, I promise! Just do it! Thank me later! ;-)
Had to snap a selfie to document the jean wearing! |
The damage wasn't too catastrophic! Especially for two people! |
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