For every shoe, leads a different life....

For every shoe, leads a different life....

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last Day Unplugged

I have spent the last thirty one days, unplugged from social media! (To read details about my unplugging Click Here )  To be honest, I can't believe it! I really expected that at some point during this month, I would fight strong urges to sneak on! That never happened. I do remember at one point feeling like I really missed Instagram. After thinking about why I missed it, I realized it's because I did really miss seeing pictures of friends lives (aka their children lol). As a busy Mom, I realize how hard it is to reach out and actually engage in friends/families lives. It's just so easy to take picture and upload it to social media in mere seconds. Bam! Now all friends and family can see exactly what we're doing and I can see what they're doing without actually making any effort. And don't get me wrong, that's super nice! I appreciate that almost a little bit more after my absence. But it absolutely does not replace true connection with people. I was surprised at the low number of people who actually cared to reach out and see how I was doing as well as update me on my life. Which saddened me. I always seem to have an amount of people who are my fan club, but yet they didn't have follow through when it came to taking a little bit of extra time to reach out. I, myself reached out to people I hadn't in awhile. I also found that I had SO MUCH TIME on my hands without social media. I mean, I can truly say that my house is clean. Like, near top to bottom, not scrubbing no longer needed. It's clean. hahaha Sure there's a few dusty vents I can't reach. But everything within my reach was clean. (You too, can have a clean home without social media! ;-) hahaha I kid, sorta!) I also spent far more time reading to my children, or playing a game, or doing a puzzle. The times I actually spent with them seemed to be of more quality because I wasn't worried about documenting it's every second, or zoning out see what was new on my feed. I also spent far more time engaging in meaningful conversations with my husband. We chatted about random things and important things. He wasn't quite as unplugged from his phone, but I still kindly asked to spend more time with him and he was highly receptive to it! It was fantastic. Times I actually spent with friends in person were so full of engagement! I zoned out far less! It was easier to remember important things in their lives because I was truly listening! Overall, unplugging allowed me to become extremely present! And I love every bit of it. All that being said, I'm very excited to see what's been going on in social media land. I feel like I've been absent forever! I'm very eager to see pictures of my friends kids, find out anything new in homeschooling land and overall see whats on the up and up! But I highly recommend everyone detox from social media at some point. It allows you the free mind space to think. I've spent FAR more time in my Bible, praying, devotions. I've thought through situations/problems much quicker than I normally do! I'm not even sleeping as much as I used to. I still sleep a ton, but for example, I woke up at 5a.m this morning. Without social media to interfere, I've been able to online grocery shop (Guys, if you haven't done WalMart Grocery Pick Up....DO IT! NOW! It's absolutely life changing. I even ordered computer paper! Haha It's fantastic. Use my referral code to get $10 off your first order! use me! ), I placed my bulk order (Another life changer. Bulk items, comparable to places like Costco, BJ's etc, frequent sales, no membership fee, free shipping and it all comes straight to your door! It's amazing! click here to receive $15 off your first order!), I printed off some worksheet papers for my older boys schooling today (If you homeschool and love Unschooling like I do! Check out this! I just pop by this webpage to find whatever I'm looking for to fill in my kids learning gaps. It's always fun, always easy and all FREE!), I sent my husband who's been struggling at work and encouraging text, and most importantly I had time in my Bible/with God. In addition to having time to blog. Friends, today is my last day unplugged, but I highly highly recommend you try it! I still feel I will be a bit absent on social media til my husband deploys again (which is soon!), but I'm eager to see how things have been in social media land. I hope if you're reading this, you feel encouraged to try it! :-)

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