For every shoe, leads a different life....

For every shoe, leads a different life....

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pregnancy Brain.....

It's official!!!!!!! Pregnancy brain is in FULL swing! I thought I'd quickly blog about a few things that have made me laugh and just wonder "How much of my brain is this baby sucking from me?!"

So the other day, I go to the bathroom. Pull my pants down, sit down and nearly pee in my underwear. Why? Because I forgot to actually pull my underwear down with my pants! Wow!!

Last night I remember sitting up in my sleep, picking up my phone (normally I check the time, especially if I have to work the next day), opening up Facebook and scrolling. However, once I started scrolling, I closed my eyes. I don't even KNOW how long I was scrolling through Facebook. I woke up (still sitting up, scrolling through Facebook) and realized my thumb had been moving for quite some time. Then turned it off and went back to sleep. REALLY?

One morning after consuming breakfast on the couch, I put my empty plate on the floor mostly under the couch. Thinking, when I got up, I wouldn't step on it, forgetting it was there. Well, go me! I completely forgot it was there until 2 days later when I exclaimed to my husband "OMG! The PLATE!!!! I LEFT IT  UNDER THE COUCH!!!!!!!! IS IT THERE?!?!?!" Thankfully he has my back and has been cleaning up after me. Phew! Sorry Rats, my man's got this place under control. Clearly, I don't.

I am a very organized person! For the most part, everything has a place. Especially things I use regularly. One of them being my water bottle. If I don't have it in my hand, it's on my nightstand (I got to bed with water every night) or on the couch side table. That's it! Unless it's being cleaned. Anyways, I'm searching HIGH and low! Checking kitchen counter, nightstand, couch side table. I even went as far as to check near my purse thinking I was scattered brain recently and maybe when I came home I left it there. Finally, when I'm about to scream and cry cause I'm thirsty and can't find my water bottle any where. I look on the kitchen counter. Yup. Sitting right there. Front and center. No one was home but me. So, it was sitting there all along. Instead I took 10 minutes to frantically search the entire house. Ugh!

So there's some funny examples I thought my readers might like to hear. haha I swear this little Baby Bean better come out all kinds of intelligent!  ;-)

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